Incident Report Form

Whitehorse Minor Hockey recognizes that minor hockey is a unique and special environment where the thrill of youth competing in sport is always present. This environment, however has the potential to create emotional circumstances for its members. Whitehorse Minor Hockey endeavors to ensure such emotional circumstances remain appropriate at all times however should they not remain positive and you experience an incident/behaviour or respect concern we would like to know about it immediately.

Please use the form at the bottom of the page provided by WMHA to report an issue at the local level and help us continue to protect our players, fans, coaching staff and officials. If you wish to elevate a concern to the BC Hockey/Hockey Canada level, more information can be found below. 



Do you require immediate assistance?

If you are in need of immediate assistance, please click the link below to contact Kids Help Phone to start a confidential conversation with a real person you can trust.

If you are a victim of abuse, harassment or discrimination in a sport environment or have witnessed such an incident, click the link below to contact the Canadian Sport Helpline, which is a free, anonymous, confidential and independent service.

Kids Help PhoneCanadian   Sport Helpline

Hockey Canada and BC Hockey stands for safe sport that is free of maltreatment of any kind. We all play a role in creating a healthy culture that fosters safe sport practice and offers athletes, coaches and all members of the sport community strong resources in education and reporting.

The presence of maltreatment in sport requires a concerted and systemic effort by a variety of different organizations and governments to come together and identify solutions and clearly define roles and responsibilities.

Independent Safe Sport Complaint Processes

To learn more about Hockey Canada’s Independent Third-Party (ITP), how to submit a maltreatment complaint and more - please review the information on the ITP’s website.







Please use this form provided by WMHA to report an issue at the local level and help us continue to protect our players, fans, coaching staff and officials. If you wish to elevate a concern to the BC Hockey/Hockey Canada level, more information can be found below. 


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