RETURNING COACHES We have streamlined the system for returning coaches. If you coached last season, follow the link below. RETURN TO COACHING | YUKON WILD COACHES Coaches with experience and qualifications who would like to be considered for Wild (female) development teams follow the link below. WILD DEVELOPMENT COACHING
| NEW TO COACHING After you review the coach qualification information below AND you have accessed a Criminal Record Check follow the link below.
Requirements and Qualifications
ALL team officials and volunteers must have their Respect in Sport Activity Leader, Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) and current Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Verification handed in to the office prior to any participation with their team. This must be completed before they can be rostered to a team in the Hockey Canada Registry.
Hockey Yukon will reimburse coaches for all certification costs link and email address noted at the bottom of this page.
All Coaches Accounts are in the HCR (Hockey Canada Registry) 3.0
Click here for a step by step guide to setting up your new HRC 3.0 account
Already registered with a HCR account, click here to access it.
Background Checks
All volunteers with WMHA require a valid Criminal Background Check (CRC) and a Vulnerable Sector Verification (VSV).
CRC and VSV must be successfully completed every three (3) years to be a volunteer, coach, official or on-ice official (over 18). Players or referees under 18 years old do not require a CRC or VSV.
Mandatory Training
Required for ALL Team Officials (Coaches, Managers, On-ice Volunteers)
In addition to the above at least one person from each team requires:
All Head and Coaches require the above PLUS:
Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches
All teams must identify a Head Coach, this will be the coach with the most qualifications if you are working in a coach pairing or with a coaching group.
Coach qualifications are dictated by Hockey Canada, thru BC Hockey see the requirements chart here.
If you do not know what certifications you currently have, please check your HCR Account click here.
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Whitehorse Minor Hockey will process the cost of individual coach certifications up to the level they are required for each season. ie) U7 program will cover Coach 1, U13 program will cover Coach 2 etc.
The program will cover safety, and skills sessions as well so please get certified! The more you know, the better our players can be.
Thank you to Hockey Yukon for sponsoring this program!
WMHA is currently working with IHS to secure an association membership to their online drill and practice planning software. Please check back for a link to that.
Please take the course, pre pay and complete the form below.
All receipts must be submitted to:
Receipts without forms will not be processed, forms without receipts will not be processed.
Reimbursements will be processed for the current season only UNLESS you have made prior arrangements with WMHA Executive Director
Payment runs will take place at the end of the month, starting October 31.
Thanks for getting certified! You are so appreciated!
U11 Jr. Mustangs to Richmond Jets Spring Break Tournament